Wooden Bead Easter Bunny Kid Craft

I wanted to do an Easter craft with the kids and was looking for a unique way to make tiny bunny rabbits. As I looked around my craft room, I was inspired by a stash of round wooden beads I have been wanting to use up. They would be perfect little bunny bodies! I picked out pairs of small and large beads, leaving some of the pairs natural wood color, and painted some of the pairs white.
Since the beads were completely round, I needed to give them a way to stand up straight on our Easter dinner table without falling over. I made a stand for them by putting a dab of hot glue on the bottom of the large bead, and setting it on a piece of plastic until it cooled. Then I peeled it off the plastic and now I had beads that wouldn't topple!
I used more hot glue to add the smaller beads on top, for the heads, then I got to the fun part — decorating the bunnies! I glued on little white pom poms for the tails.
For the ears, we cut pointed oval shapes out of felt, and found it a bit tricky to get the scale just right. Through some trial and error, we finally got a good size, and the girls used that one as a template for cutting out the rest.
To make the felt truly look like ears, we added a tiny bit of hot glue at the bottom, then pinched it gently to give the ear some dimension and the ability to stand up on its own.
We colored the inside of the ears with a pink Sharpie for the extra detail we needed.
Then we just pushed two ears into the hole in the top bead, and it was instant bunny cuteness! You may need a drop of hot glue to make sure the ears stay put, but ours were tight enough that we didn't need it.
I simply adore these simple and sweet bunny decorations and can't wait to scatter them around the dinner table this Easter.