"Will You Be My Lobster?" Cookies for Valentine's Day

When My Honey and I traveled to Maine last fall, I picked up a funny little souvenir in the form of a lobster cookie cutter. I wasn't sure what to do with it until I watched an episode of Friends in which Phoebe excitedly celebrates Ross and Rachel's kiss by declaring that, "He's her lobster!". How perfect would it be to make lobster cookies for Valentine's Day?
Bake the sugar cookies
I started with my favorite no-spread sugar cookie recipe from Baking a Moment. I cut out a bunch of lobster shapes and baked them until they were just barely golden and perfect.
Decorate the cookies
Then I mixed up a batch of The Bearfoot Baker's 15 second royal icing, tinted it a nice deep red color, and put it in a disposable icing bag equipped with a small round tip.
First I outlined each cookie to define the lobster's shells, claws, and legs.
After leaving it about 15 minutes to dry, I filled the spaces in with more of the same frosting.
I let them dry a little longer, then came back and added tiny dots of black icing for eyes.
Then I left the cookies out to dry overnight, so that the frosting set up nice and hard.
Create the net packaging
Meanwhile, I got to work on my packaging. I wanted to add tags to the cookies, so I designed some fun "Will You Be My Lobster?" printable tags, which I'm happy to share with you all.
I printed the tags onto white cardstock, cut them out with scissors, and used a regular hole punch to make a hole at the end.
To make these lobster cookies extra adorable, I decided to package them in plastic netting. I found the produce section at my grocery store to be a perfect source for food-safe plastic netting, so I picked up some oranges and lemons, each of which had a different type of netting. I ultimately decided to go with the yellow netting from the lemons, because it was thinner and I thought the yellow would be a nice contrast against the red lobsters.
After making 100% sure the cookies were fully set and the frosting was dry, I placed a cookie face-down on a piece of netting, and brought the sides up to meet in the middle of the back of the cookie.
Then I used some clear fishing line to tie three tiny little knots to hold the sides of the netting together. This works great because you can't see the fishing line at all.
I flipped the cookie back over, gathered the bottom up, and tied it with a piece of red and white twine.
A quick trim with scissors and the bottom was neat and tidy.
I used more twine to tie the top, this time adding my tag to it.
I mean really, can you even believe how cute that is?
The lobster cookies are great for Valentine's Day or for a special treat for a loved one, especially for big Friends fans. We think Phoebe would approve!