Stocking Hangers That Won't Tip or Fall

How do you hang stockings over your fireplace without the hangers tipping over when they are filled? If you're like me, you don't want to add nails to a beautiful mantle to secure the hangers, so you usually opt for really heavy stocking hangers instead. But that's wrong!
As pretty as typical decorative stocking hangers are, even the heaviest will still tip over when you fill the stockings. Even when they are empty, tipped hangers can be a danger to kids who might pull on them. And if you're lucky enough to not hurt the child, you might still hurt your floor or the hanger itself.
Guess what. The weight of the stocking hanger doesn't matter and has very little to do with its ability to hold items. The much more important feature is the curve and angle of the hook.
WRONG: Traditional heavy stocking hangers with small hooks
Here is an example of a typical stocking hanger with a tiny little hook on the front. These hooks stick out from the hanger, creating a pivot point on the edge of the mantle.
If you tug on that stocking or fill it with anything that weighs more than the hanger, it will tip over.
RIGHT: Curved stocking hangers with hooks that reach back under the shelf
Instead, you want to look for a hanger with a hook design that curves back underneath the shelf. By moving the pressure point back and eliminating that pivot on the edge, you've taken advantage of physics and end up with a super stable shape.
When you pull down on a hanger with a cantilevered hook, the weight is re-distributed back an inch or two, to where the hanger is sitting firmly on the shelf.
Tug all you want, it's not going to tip over.
NOTE: It won't tip, but it could still fall if you pull outwards or sideways. But these hooks are so much lighter that at least you won't be hurting anyone or the floor if they do!
How much can weight can cantilevered stocking hangers hold?
Even though these hangers weigh mere ounces, they can easily hold several pounds without budging. In fact, the stocking loop itself is likely to break before these hangers will give out! This video shows my experiments with household items weight 9 pounds, with no problems.
If you can't see the video, try viewing it directly on YouTube.
Where do you find stocking hangers that hold heavy stockings?
Most places that sell Christmas decor will have a few curved stocking hangers for sale as well, but they typically sell out quickly. I see a few sets in Hobby Lobby and Michaels every year, and that's where I got mine.
Now that you know what to look for it will be so obvious when you see them. And don't be afraid to test them in the store if you're not sure if they will work or not. Just hook your finger and pull, and you'll see the difference right away.
In case you can't find these hangers in stores, here are a few online sources for curved stocking hangers that can hold all your stocking goodies.
CeleCily Decorative Stocking Holders for Mantle from Amazon
DOYOLLA Silver Christmas Stocking Holders from Amazon
Hotop Heavy Duty Gold Christmas Stocking Holders from Amazon
Nelyeqwo Bronze Christmas Stocking Holders from Amazon
Silver Metal Stocking Holders from Hobby Lobby
Bronze Stocking Holder Set by Ashland from Michaels
There are so many more that I can't even list them all! If you don't see a style you like here, try searching for curved stocking hooks on Amazon and browse through the options.