Spring Butterfly Mirror Decor

I am not sure how Chica managed to have about 120 butterflies on wire picks in her craft supply closet, but she did. I thought they would make a fun spring project so I asked her if I could take them home to experiment.
Creating a wreath sprang to mind first, but I wanted to do something slightly different so I decided to go with a mirror. I couldn't find a ready-made mirror that I liked so I made one myself out of a foam wreath ring and a craft mirror.
To disguise any bits of the white wreath that might show through beneath the butterflies, I first spray painted it a matte black.
Then, I used E-6000 to glue the mirror to the back of the foam ring.
I put a heavy stack of books on top to hold the pieces tightly together until the glue had a chance to dry thoroughly, so I could be sure the wreath and mirror adhered.
Next, I trimmed the wires down to size and started sticking my butterflies all over the wreath form.
After spacing and turning the butterflies just so, it was done and ready to hang with some Command Strips. I'm so happy with this quick and easy way to bring a little Spring into my home.