Santa Claus Meringue Pop Treats for Kids' Christmas Party

For a special treat this year, I decided to turn Mini Me's favorite Christmas sweet, meringues, into something just a bit more special — Santa Claus meringue cookie pops. They are a bit more time consuming than just regular meringue cookies but the final result is so worth it!
To make it easy for you to recreate these, print a copy of our handy Santa Claus face template to use as a pattern.
Place the template underneath a piece of parchment paper, and pipe the face on top. You can use any basic meringue recipe you like, and there are plenty online. Basically, you just want sweetened egg whites beaten to a stiff peak.
Besides the white meringue, I also tinted some meringue light brown for Santa's nose and red for his hat. You can make the nose be any skin tone you want just by adding more or less brown or yellow gel food coloring. Make sure you use gel food coloring because too much liquid food coloring could cause it to collapse into a soupy mess.
Piping the meringue is pretty easy, and you can just loosely follow the pattern. I did all of the white piping first.
Once you have some of the beard piped, add a paper straw, then add more beard on top so that the straw is sandwiched between layers of meringue. (Don't worry that the white is on his nose, that will all get covered up in a minute.)
Then pipe a giant nose in the middle and a swish of red meringue on top for the hat. For a sparkly touch, I also sprinkled on a little red and white sanding sugar. Then I baked them according to the recipe directions, making sure not to overbake or else they might turn brown.
Mini Me loved how these modern Santa faces looked and especially how they tasted!
UPDATE: These Santa meringue pops were such a hit that a couple years later, I made more pops, but this time shaped like Christmas trees. Mini Mi has grown so much since then, but still loves meringues the most!