Prevent Painted Items from Sticking While Drying

Have you ever been painting something flat and had trouble keeping it from sticking to the table as you paint the edges? I've come up with the perfect way to prop wooden items up off the table to keep the paint from sticking while it dries. It's easy and inexpensive and so quick!
Just stick a simple push pin into each corner to create instant feet to prop it up. It even makes it easier to paint the sides of the item. Problem solved!

8 comments so far:
Thats a GREAT Idea! LOVE IT!!! Hugs BeCca
Perfect! I will have to remember this the next time I'm painting. Thanks for the tip.
Great tip! Hopefully I can remember this the next time I need to paint. I just finished painting a frame and could have used this tip.
Very nice! I just had this issue but now I know what to do in the future!
Used this yesterday and it was fantastic. Thanks for the great tip.
Perfect timing seeing this tip, I have painting to start tomorrow!! Thanks so much!! :)
This is genius! Thank you for the tip!