Pretzel Bar for a Super Bowl Football Party

Chica and I have been on a homemade pretzel kick recently, so it was an easy leap for us to serve a pretzel bar at our upcoming Super Bowl party. We wanted to serve football-shaped pretzels, and display them in a really fun way. What if I painted peg board like a football field and hung the pretzels on it? Perfect!
While Chica was working on the pretzels, I got started on the display board. I had a perfect scrap of peg board in my craft room, and gave it a fresh, coat of Satin Enamels paint in a nice, bright white.
To mark off the 5-yard lines on the field, I applied 21 strips of washi tape, making 20 evenly-spaced areas on the field, plus two more double-sized areas for the endzones. I didn't need to use anything as decorative as washi tape, but it was thinner than regular masking tape, so it was perfect for this. Then I used regular painter's tape around the edges to mark off the sidelines (this also helped hold the washi tape in place!)
With all the lines marked, I used a roller to apply two coats of green acrylic paint over everything, to create the grass on the field.
I cut some numbers out of vinyl with my Silhouette machine to mark the lines, then added the 1-yard hashmarks on the sidelines with a white paint marker.
The result was a pretty amazing looking football field that would work perfectly for my pretzel bar! To finish it off, I added the logo for this year's Super Bowl in the middle. We want to be able to use this again next year so I made it easy to remove and replace — I laminated the logo and attached it to the field with some painter's tape on the back.
Meanwhile, Chica used Alton Brown's soft pretzel recipe to make pretzels, and shaped them into footballs. To make the shaping easier and consistent, she sketched a football pattern that we're happy to share with you. Just cover the printed pattern with wax paper and use it as a guide to form the pretzels.
It took time and patience, but it was worth it to get such awesome football-shaped pretzels!
Hanging the pretzels all over the field was super easy with some simple peg board hooks.
To go with the pretzels, I set out a selection of dips (cheese, spicy mustard, chocolate, and jalapeƱo mustard). And of course add some ice cold beers, and you have a party!

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