Pine Tree Air Freshener Christmas Wreath

When it comes to decorating for the holidays, and Christmas in particular, I like quirky. I have a Christmas tree that's covered with superhero ornaments, my gifts are wrapped with fun paper and my mantle is covered with my duct tape Christmas trees. The wreath on our front door this year is no exception. I found the perfect way to turn the classic pine wreath into something quirky — I made it out of pine tree air fresheners.
I mean really, how can you resist something as classically retro, kitschy, and cool as pine tree air fresheners? They already look like little Christmas trees, and have a pine smell to boot. They're perfect, and I just had to make a wreath out of them.
I started with 24 pine tree air fresheners, from the classic "Little Trees" brand. They are pretty easy to find at any store with an automotive department, but you can save some money by buying them in bulk (#ad) here on Amazon or here on eBay.
But before I could even think about starting on this wreath, I took a very important step. I opened the air fresheners up and put them outside in the wind (but not in the sun, so they wouldn't fade) for a few days to get the smell to fade a little. Rest assured, 24 brand new air fresheners put out a LOT of pine smell, so you want to tame that down a little.
Once the smell was bearable, I grabbed my hot glue gun and a flat wreath form and got started. I used an 18" ring, although in retrospect, I think 16" would have worked a little better, scale-wise.
After dry-fitting the trees on the ring and getting a feel for spacing, I started gluing them in place. I overlapped each one, making sure that to cover the wreath form, but still allow the trees to show off their classic shape.
The work went very quickly, and I kept going around the ring, adding trees. I admit that I didn't have quite enough to cover the whole ring, but that was okay since I was going to add a bow to the bottom. I also left the strings attached to the trees, because I think they are part of the charm.
I hung one last air freshener from the top of the wreath, on the back, attaching it with some hot glue.
Then I used our bow making tutorial to make a big red bow and I attached it to the bottom.
I am so happy with how this wreath came out! I love how the tree hanging in the center draws your focus in to what the wreath is made of.
I think it's just the right amount of quirky for me. What do you think?

3 comments so far:
I also loved the Mesh a LOT when I 1st saw it. My creative mind went to work full force. I went to my shop when I got home. I couldn't wait to make something out of the beautiful colors. I decided to make a wreath with a pre-lit Chriatmas wreath. Now I have to say this one came out looking like a professional person had made it. I will try to send you a picture when I get my pictures transfered over to my computer. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with me. I love the idea of the clothes hanger. Thanks so much. Hazel Harmon
I'm confused. You bought 24 and there are many more on the wreath.
Did I miss something?
Terri, there are only 24 tree air fresheners on the wreath. There aren't any underneath the bow.