Metallic Easter Eggs

Last night I finally went into the attic to get my Easter decorations out, so I could add a little seasonal flair to the house before my family comes over on Sunday. I can't tell you how disappointed I was to see the boring stuff I found in the Easter box.
This just wasn't going to do. Not at all. Surely I could turn these cheap Easter decorations into something modern and cool. Then I remembered I had a tub of Metallic Lustre in Brilliant Turquoise that I wanted to try out. Bingo!
Metallic Lustre is a paste wax that gives a beautiful metallic sheen. I wiped it onto one of the eggs and was thrilled to see it stick to the plastic, and cover surprisingly well.
I started off using a paper towel to wipe the wax on, but I have to admit that I soon just switched to my fingers. They were getting covered in wax anyway, and it was a lot easier to use my fingers to wipe the wax onto the round eggs. It was messy, but never fear -- this stuff washes right off your skin with just water! Amazing.
I applied two coats of the wax, allowing a few minutes to dry in between coats. When they were totally dry, I buffed them with a piece of soft fleece, to give them a little extra shine.
I can hardly believe these are the same eggs I bought for a dollar at Walmart. By the way, I only used about half of the tub of Metallic Lustre to cover 20 eggs. Not bad!
With the eggs a success, I moved on to the basket. Ugh, how cliché can you get? What if I tackled it with some Chalky Finish paint in Primitive?
First, I decided to alter the basket. I didn't like the handle, so I just cut it off with scissors.
Then I painted the basket with the Chalky Finish paint. No prep work required — just brush the paint right on, and it'll stick no problem.
Well that looks a million times better, don't you think?
I quickly cut regular white copy paper down into tiny strips with my paper trimmer, and stuffed it into the basket for grass, then I piled the eggs in. Oh my goodness, I love the results! The eggs still open and close fine, too. I can't wait for my family to see this on Easter.
The Metallic Lustre wax dries to a smooth, hard finish that doesn't really need a sealer. But if you want extra protection, you could spray it with a clear sealer.