Metal Tool Chest Turned into a Game Cabinet

My dad found a little red tool cart on the side of the road and brought it home for me. It was in decent shape overall, with just a few minor dents and rust spots, so he knew I could give it a new life. I eagerly took on the challenge!
After a cleaning and quick scrub of the rusty spots, I gave it a whole new look quickly with Rust-Oleum's Painter's Touch satin finish spray paint.
This covered up all the rust spots and made it into a fun, bright blue that was perfect for my game room.
The top of the cabinet had the most damage, but that didn't bother me because I wanted to add something decorative to it anyway. Since the top had a lip around three sides, it created the perfect area to add some vintage dominoes I already had, which fit perfectly! I did a dry fit first to create the layout and be sure they would fit.
When I had as many dominoes as I could squeeze in, I had a tiny bit of space left on the sides. I looked around my house and found some black coffee stirrers that could be easily cut and would fill in the sides perfectly.
There wasn't a lip on the front edge, so I hot glued the first row of dominoes down to keep them in place. I didn't bother gluing the others down in case I wanted to play with them later.
To give the top a nice smooth finish, I bought some thin acrylic sheeting and cut it to size. To cut the acrylic, you will need to score it on both sides and then snap it off. If you have any rough edges, use a sander to smooth them out.
The dominoes add a fun element to the top and you can't even tell where the coffee stirrers are! This is the perfect size for holding our favorite games and the drawers are great for storing card games.
Not too shabby for a free curb-side find!