Make Your Own Bubble Wands out of Pipe Cleaners

All kids love bubbles, and it seems they are everywhere all summer long. I love bubbles too, but I hate those cheap, plastic bubble wands that come with them. They get lost so easily and are often so short that they get dropped into the bottle and are hard to retrieve.
Then you've got the younger kids who have a hard time just using the wands — they don't hold a lot of liquid and by the time you dip the wand and get it to your mouth to blow, the film might have popped and there's nothing there to make a bubble.
The solution is good old pipe cleaners (a.k.a. chenille stems). Just twist a loop in the end of a pipe cleaner and you've got an instant bubble wand that's cheap, easy to hold, long enough to not fall in the bottle, and best of all, it holds so much liquid you won't believe how many bubbles you can blow without having to re-dip! You can even bend the loop into fun shapes for extra cuteness.

8 comments so far:
Wonderful! Wonderful idea. My 2 year-old and I couldn't stop making these.
Thanks, I am going to try this one!
OMG ! ! ! ! ! I got your address from a comment on Martha Stewart and I told her she needs to have you on her show better yet work for her. I LOVE your colorful and useful ideas. I will be back to this site a lot more than Martha. I really like all the colors. Color is so much better than bland. The cupcakes you did are so pretty.
Lynelle, welcome to our site! Your comment made our day! Let us know if you do any of our projects.
I love it! I never expected that pipe cleaners could do so much. Thanks for the idea.
I love this, thank you so much. We got invited to a bubble play date, and I threw away all the yucky plastic ones, and don't want to go spend money on more until next summer. What a great alternative!
Dear ChicaandJo,
I have tried to make your bubble wand from pipe cleaner, however the buble didn't go throgh as I expected. They didn't form any bubble at all. But when I tried my bubble solution with fabric plastic bubble wand, they work so much better. Please help if there is something wrong with my pipe cleaner bubble wand?
Hi Inta. I'm not sure what the problem would be to cause your wand not to work, but the only thing I can think of is that maybe you didn't completely close the loop with the pipe cleaner? A bubble will only form if you have a complete circle for your wand. Also, make sure the wand is completely saturated in solution before trying to blow a bubble. Hope that helps!