Make a Dollar Bill Money Notepad for Gift Giving

When it comes to occasions like graduations or weddings, I'm often inclined to give cash as a gift, but it's always a struggle to find a unique way to give cash that makes it fun. This year, as I was signing cards for a high school graduate and college graduate I know, the perfect idea popped into my head. I could use our notepad padding compound to create notepads made out of money!
My first stop was at the bank, where I asked for some crisp, new $1 bills, so that I could make a money pad that looked like it just came off the presses. I got a stack of 50 ones, but you could easily update this to whatever quantity and bill you wish, depending on how much you want to give.
Then I used the same steps from my make your own custom notepad tutorial to turn the bills into a notepad.
I grabbed a bottle of padding compound and an ordinary craft brush. To clamp the bills together, I used two rulers and two binder clips that I found in my desk. Instead of rulers, you could use any strips of wood you've got handy, such as paint stir sticks.
I tapped the bills on the table so that one side was super flat, then put a ruler on either side to give it structure. Then I added the binder clips to hold it all firmly in place.
Then I just brushed a liberal coat of the padding compound on the edge, and left it to dry for a couple hours.
When I removed the clamps, I had a perfectly delightful spiral of dollar bills!
I tucked the pads into the graduation cards, and gave them as a gift. The graduates were so excited to receive a fun gift of cash, and enjoyed tearing the bills off one by one to spend.

5 comments so far:
where to order padding compound
Barbara, you can order our padding compound here on Amazon.
That will be perfect for all my grandkids at Christmas . Now to get the padding compound
Will Rubber Cement work in place of padding compound? TY
Nancy, you can certainly glue those pages together with rubber cement, but for a true tear-off sheet notepad, you really do need padding compound :)