Llama Decorated Concrete Planter from Target

The Target Dollar Bin area just won't let me walk past without stopping. On my most recent trip, I spied these great little hanging concrete planters and somehow, they just jumped right into my cart!
Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone, I had to add a bit more character. To start, I used some wooden beads I already had on hand and strung them onto each side.
I had a bit of llama fabric (from Hobby Lobby) leftover from my recent llama chair makeover so I decided to cut those cute little guys and gals out and use them again on this project. Never throw away fabric scraps! To keep them from fraying when I cut them out, I first coated the fabric with decoupage glue and allowed it to dry.
Then I carefully cut the llama shapes out.
Then I decoupaged them to the side of the container. I was lucky that they fit just perfectly, with two to a side.
Then I just added a plant and they were good to go!
I love the added detail the wooden beads gave to the sides.

One comment so far:
Ever so lovely! How cute are those llamas!!