Hula Hoop Wreath and Door Makeover

I took the girls to a local drop-in craft shop called Cut & Paste Craft Studio recently, and while we there I spied a great "Hey Y'all" wooden cutout for sale. The southern girl in me loved it and I knew I wanted to hang it somewhere in my home. I decided this would be the perfect centerpiece to add to a hula hoop wreath for my patio door.
To create a hula hoop wreath, I gathered the additional supplies I would need from Michaels — a mini hula hoop, some natural twine, and some assorted silk flowers.
I started by wrapping the twine tightly around the hoop to cover it. I added a spot of hot glue to the hoop every 8 inches or so to help keep it from unraveling while I worked, or whenever I wanted to stop for a break. This was the most tedious part of the whole project, and I found it took a lot more twine than I thought it would. I was glad I bought two spools.
To help protect the twine a bit more from the elements, I sprayed it really well with a matte sealer.
Then I painted the wooden cutout using Multi-Surface Paint that is suitable for use outside. I used a pretty coral color called Shrimp.
The cutout was large enough to touch the hoop at three different points, so attaching it permanently was easy with just a few blobs of hot glue.
I just love the finished wreath! It looks so fresh and fun on my back door, which leads out to my deck.
Speaking of my back door... it used to be plain white. Sad and boring. To freshen it up, I added a coat of Curb Appeal paint in Victorian Yellow. The paint covered well in one coat with no dripping. The only downside was the jar. I was frustrated that my brush didn't fit into the jar like it would have with a quart-sized container, so I had to find a bowl to pour it into, and lost some paint doing so.
The paint dried very quickly and the color is fabulous!

One comment so far:
What an awesome idea! And it's nice and flat. (Will have to give this some thought for my mom -- she doesn't have a lot of space between her wood door and the storm door but she likes wreaths on her door....) Good job!