How to Remove Shipping Labels from Boxes

If you're like me and do a lot of online Christmas shopping, you've probably got lots of cardboard boxes sitting around. I love re-using shipping boxes for mailing packages or wrapping gifts, but I don't like the shipping labels remaining on the box. I used to painstakingly peel them off, but then I found a quick and easy wan to remove shipping labels from cardboard boxes. Whether I want the box to look clean for gift packaging or I just want to remove my personal info before tossing the box, this technique really saves the day.
All you need is a pair of scissors. Open the scissors up and gently score the box around the label or markings that you want to remove. Be sure you only score the very top layer of the cardboard so that you don't compromise the integrity of the box. (You can use a utility knife if you prefer, but only apply VERY light pressure.)
Once you've scored a line all the way around the label or marking, grab the corner of the area with your fingers and pull it back.
The thin layer of cardboard will peel away and you'll be left with a clean box.
You can even use this technique to remove barcodes or the company names that might printed on the box. It works for more than just labels!

12 comments so far:
actually, you just simply put the bigger label over to cover up all label that you do not use anymore.
Hi rackmanager. You're right that you can cover an old label with a new one, but often my old boxes will have more than one label and the new label isn't big enough to cover them all, so I have to remove some of them. :)
Thats a handy trick indeed.
Similarly, if you want to get stickers or other labels off plastic boxes or tins for instance, using a standard blow dryer can produce amazing results. Warming up the sticker for around 20 - 30 seconds will make the adhesive less sticky, and often you can peel off a label cleanly off CD cases, cookie boxes or anything else with a smooth surface for that matter.
Very handy for removing service stickers or company branding from old hardware for instance :)
Video of this:
Use a hair drier and the label peels off with no damage to the box.
Heat gun works better. Use a putty knife and start removing the label and slid the putty knife under and continue to remove the old labels. Use low heat and keep your finger out from in front of the heat gun. Works great been using it for years.
"What is right is not always popular. What is popular is not always right"
Lyle Hensley
Enjoying Every Breath
Retired US Army
1957 - 1978
Thanks everybody for the ideas about using heat to remove the labels. For cardboard boxes, though, we find that using scissors is a lot more convenient for us, because we always have them around :) Don't forget that the cutting method works for markings on the box, too, such as the company logo.
Thanks also to phototristan for making a video showing our technique. So helpful to our readers!
try burning the box, I'm sure it will get rid of those pesky stickers.
WOw and I have spent so much time trying to peel them off with my fingers.
I have a lot of boxes to re-use and will first use this method. Thanks as it will save having to apply a new label over more then needed.
that is awesome!!!!! thanks
My big problem is plastic bags with plastic labels or paper labels with some gummy adhesive. I can't get the label off the plastic, and have a small box full of the cutouts from these labels. They don't shred - they gum up the shredder. I've thought about "melting" them out on the grill in tin foil, but not sure if that's a good idea or not.
Any ideas for these?