Hot Butterbeer Recipe

After visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios this summer, Jo and I fell in love with the cold Butterbeer they served there. When we got home, we recreated that drink and shared our recipe for cold Butterbeer with you. It's a wonderfully yummy and refreshing cold drink, and we think our version tastes just like the one at the park.
Many of you loved that recipe, but just as many insist that Butterbeer was served warm in the Harry Potter books, and asked us to come up with a recipe for a hot drink. That's a little more challenging, since we don't have any real-world drink to compare it too, but we do have our imaginations!
We spent some time in the kitchen this week and came up with our own version of what we think hot Butterbeer should be. Our recipe creates a rich and almost custard-like drink with a smooth butterscotch flavor that we absolutely love. It's kind of like a vanilla version of hot chocolate!
Hot Butterbeer Recipe
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tsp honey
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar, divided
- 1 tsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp vanilla butter nut flavoring
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- butterscotch ice cream syrup
Whip the cream and 1/4 cup powdered sugar until stiff, then set aside. Add the flavoring to bottom of mug and set aside. Add milk, honey, cornstarch, and remaining sugar to a saucepan and heat on medium, stirring constantly, until just to a simmer. Remove from heat before it boils. Pour into waiting mug, stirring into the flavoring. Top with whipped cream and drizzle with butterscotch syrup.
Whip the cream and 1/4 cup of powdered sugar with a mixer or whisk until stiff, then set aside.
Add the flavoring to the bottom of the mug and set aside.
Add milk, honey, remaining 1/4 cup of powdered sugar, and cornstarch to a small saucepan.
Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly.
As soon as the milk mixture starts steaming and almost simmers — but before it actually boils — remove it from the heat. Allow milk to cool for one minute and then pour into mug. Stir well to incorporate flavoring. The flavoring will turn the drink a golden, buttery color.
Oh, and if you're looking for an alcoholic version of this drink, this is the point where we recommend you add a couple tablespoons (to taste) of Dekuyper Butterscotch (a.k.a. Butterscotch Schnapps). The result is fantastic!
Top the milk with a big dollop of whipped cream and drizzle with butterscotch topping, then serve while still warm.
Note that you won't need all of the whipped cream, but if we had started with less, you would have a hard time whipping it. If you are making several servings at once, only whip half as much cream.

23 comments so far:
This looks great! I can't wait to give it a try--in my newly stenciled butterbeer mugs. No, wait a minute. I have to save those for an xmas gift. I am going to have to get more stencils.
Someone posted a comment previously about the steamed milk with a shot of caramel and hazelnut that Borders used to do as butterbeer. Since I'm at Borders way more often than I should be buying lattes, I asked for steamed milk with the two shots. I have no idea what the Disney version is like, but this was quite tasty. It's my new favorite Border's drink.
I am sooooo gonna try this over the weekend! Thanks for it and the recipe cards!
Baye, glad to hear that your mugs came out great! They are going to make an excellent Christmas gift. Go ahead and print a couple recipe cards to put in with them :)
Sheryl, let us know what you think!
My friend was at Universal/Hogwarts last week. I was so jealous! The warm butterbeer sounds amazing - even though it is over 90 degrees today (heatwave), I think I will have to make it. Hey, the air conditioning is on, right?!
I made a quick easy recipe for Butter beer that my family & friends love.
"better than ever Butter-Beer"
2 cups of Bryers "Fried Ice Cream"
2 cups of A&D cream soda
Add 2c of Bryer's "Fried Ice Cream" to your blender. Then pour in 2 cups of Cream Soda.Mix well. This will foam up nicely. Poor into frosted mugs &'s cheap & easy & delicious.
I finally finished my Harry Potter gift basket! Thanks for all the great ideas, downloadable (is that a word?)recipes, and the stencils. They worked out great despite the fact that I bought mugs that were too small. I posted about it today. Since you did most of the hard work, do stop by to see it.
Again, thanks so much for sharing all your creativity. I'm trying to gather all the materials for the mantel piece you guys made for the contest. I love that, too.
Baye, what an awesome gift and love how you added the scarf! We added your picture to our Flikr group so others could see. Thanks for sharing!
What kind of milk should be used? Skim? Whole? Doesn't matter?
Krista, it doesn't matter really. Whole will make it taste the richest though!
Hello ladies! How many does this recipe serve?
J, this recipe makes one serving.
Wow!! I didnt watch Harry potter but I love the butterbeer barrel and I am going to try the recipes for hot and cold Butterbeer..Thank you..I am always looking for new things to try..
Had to make this today after watching hours and hours of Harry Potter movies (thanks to ABC Family for hosting a movie marathon!) and I must say it was delicious! Sweet and decadent...a fun and tasty treat!
Courtney, if it weren't over 100 degrees here today, I would join you and have my own mug of hot Butterbeer :) Glad you enjoyed the recipe!
We made the cold Butterbear tonight. My daughter who is 11 yrs old was so excited to make your recipe. We are going to the Park soon and she is so into HP right now. We had so much fun. Thanks for the recipe. I cant wait till we throw our HP party for our friends. Will add a little butterscotch schnapps for the "big kids" (adults). thanks again.
Just made this... It's incredible! Thank you for bringing this deliciousness into my life!
I just made this (and am currently drinking it) and it is really tasty. I had to improvise because I didn't have any of the flavoring. I used 2 parts vanilla, 1 part almond, and 1 part butter. Next time, I'll add more butter or vanilla and less almod because it is too overpowering.
Way to improvise, Rachel! Almond can be very strong, so I would go easy on it :)
There was a Hogwarts at the zoo where my daughter works. The butterbeer was aweful. But we were determined to make it better. I tried your recipe and it was wonderful. Everyone wants me to make it as a pre-Christmas dinner. I made it like you said except just for looks I sprinkled a little apple pie spice. That was the trick.. looked like a gourmet drink. Thank you
Sounds yummy, Michelle!
I created this at home, and might I add IT WAS DELICIOUS so much like the butterbeer from harry potter, but I did have a question. When you mixed the milk, honey, powdered sugar, and cornstarch did the cornstarch thicken in the mix? Because for me it did, so I wasn't sure. THANKS THOUGH! xoxo
HannahKay, we're happy to hear that you loved this Butterbeer recipe! The cornstarch is intended to thicken the drink, but only slightly. If yours got too thick, you probably let it boil too long. Remove it from the heat as soon as it starts to boil, and you'll be set.
Any ideas on how I could make this in one of those large (30+ cup) Coffee makers? I'm thinking about a batch large enough for a Quidditch match...