Halloween Skeleton Themed Movie Theater

This post is sponsored by the Home Depot.
For Halloween this year, Chica and I had a vision of creating a fun, outdoor movie theater experience for trick-or-treaters. With the help of our good friends over at The Home Depot, we were able to turn our vision into a reality.
You can see the full reveal of our Halloween Skeleton Theater on Home Depot's website, with more details about how we built all the components and how it all came together to create an awesome experience.
I'm going to share with you here a few of the design elements that we created to pull this skeleton themed theater together.
The most important thing to a trick-or-treater is candy, so we had to start there. We built a custom concession stand was decked out with a Nostalgia 2.5 oz. Black Kettle Popcorn Maker and plenty of theater candy that we decked out with our custom candy wrappers to to make them even more spooky.
Over top of the concession stand, we made a marquee that looks like it has neon lights but we used some very inexpensive materials to create it. Be sure to check out our DIY movie theater lighted marquee sign tutorial for more construction details.
Since our theater had a skeleton theme, we made sure to staff it with a skeleton crew, which meant using lots of 5 ft. Hanging Plastic Posable Skeletons. We even used placed two date-night skeletons, dressed to the nines, in the seats to enjoy the movie. Our cute Monarch butterfly trick-or-treater enjoyed visiting with them before the show.
For more details about how we put together our movie screen, marquee, and more, be sure to check out the full reveal of our Halloween Skeleton Theater on Home Depot's website. You'll even find some templates you can use to make it even easier to add all those finishing touches.