Halloween Decor from Dead Houseplants

I'm usually pretty good at keeping plants alive, but when a bird makes a nest in one of the ferns hanging on my porch (it happens EVERY year), I stop watering it so I don't disturb the babies.
And when you stop watering a plant, it dies pretty quickly!
By the end of the summer, they're usually totally dried out, but rather than toss them away, I realized I could repurpose them into Halloween decor with a little black spray paint. So that's exactly what I did.
VIDEO: Halloween decor from dead houseplants
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How to repurpose dead houseplants into creepy Halloween decor
All it took to transform the dead fern into un-dead decor for Halloween was a can of black spray paint. I sprayed all the leaves thoroughly, covering as much green and brown ad I could.
Then I painted the pot with a bright purple color. (Definitely don't try to paint the pot first, because your overspray will ruin it!)
I found some awesome orange, glittery spiders at the dollar store and tucked them in for a pop of color against the black leaves.
I set my black Halloween fern near my door on a plant stand, and stretched some fake spiderweb over everything. I added more spiders to the door and windows, and it was perfect!
This was so successful that I did it again the next year, this time with a bat theme.
By the way, my front porch and door look so remarkably different in those two photos because of the major curb appeal renovation Jo and I did on the front of the house. Check it out if you want details!
What an inexpensive and easy way to turn trash into a unique Halloween door decoration that the neighborhood kids will love!

One comment so far:
Yeah yeah girlfriend.. I Googled dead houseplants as Halloween decorations ans your article was first! I started reading while say "yeah yeah girlfriend these are my exacts thoughts." Then the black spray paint...awesome idea! I'm on it!