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Giant Easter Peeps Decorations

by: Chica
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Giant Easter Peeps Decorations
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Our favorite Easter candy is the iconic Peep, especially in the bunny shapes. This year, we decided to go big and bold with our Easter decorations, and we create some giant, oversized Easter Peeps that are perfectly adorable and bring some extra fun and charm to the season.

VIDEO: Make Giant Easter Peep Decor

Watch our video to see the complete tutorial for how we created our giant Easter Peeps decorations.

If you can't see the video, try viewing it directly on YouTube.

How to make a box of giant Easter Peeps

The video shows every step in detail, but if you prefer written instructions, here is a quick rundown of how we created our giant Easter Peeps decorations.

Step 1: Make the Peeps box

To make the Peep box, you'll need two 20" x 30" foam core boards. You'll score and fold them to create two halves of the box. This would be difficult to show in photos, so please watch the video for the step-by-step technique.

You'll then cut a window in one of the boards, nest the two boards, and tape all the edges together to form a cute box that's ready to fill with Peeps.

giant easter peeps decorations - create the box

Step 2: Decorate the Peeps box

Once the box is formed, use some "Better than Paper" bulletin board material to wrap the box like a present. After it's wrapped, cut an X in the window and tuck the four points inside the box, taping them in place to finish the edges.

giant easter peeps decorations - wrap the box with yellow

To make the box look like a genuine Peeps package, you'll add some vinyl cutouts, which you can create using our cut files (in SVG and STUDIO3 format). We have a set that includes the Peeps logo, the yellow oval, the "8 bunnies" image, and the nutritional info verbiage.

Use transfer paper to apply these vinyl cutouts to the box, making it look just like a real Peeps package.

giant easter peeps decorations - add the vinyl cutouts


Giant Easter Peeps Templates - $2.99

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Includes five files: There are four cut files (two in .studio3 format, two in SVG format) for use with electronic cutters (Silhouette/Cricut) to create the logo, oval, 8 bunnies, and nutritional verbiage) and one PDF file with the bunny pattern.


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* You are buying digital files to use as templates. Nothing will be mailed to you.
* Files must be downloaded within one month of purchase date.


This set of designs includes three files:

  1. A .studio3 file (for use with Silhouette Studio software) for cutting the blue design elements: Peeps logo, 8-bunnies icon, and nutritional text
  2. A .studio3 file (for use with Silhouette Studio software) for cutting the yellow design elements: oval
  3. A SVG file (for importing into other software) for cutting the blue design elements: Peeps logo, 8-bunnies icon, and nutritional text
  4. A SVG file (for importing into other software) for cutting the yellow design elements: oval
  5. A PDF with a bunny pattern for tracing to create the Peeps that go inside the box

giant easter peeps decorations - templates

Step 3: Make the Bunny Peeps

With the box complete, you're ready to move on to creating the oversized Peeps themselves.

Using the bunny pattern in our template set (see above), trace 8 bunnies onto some 1" thick polystyrene foam boards.

giant easter peeps decorations - tracing bunny pattern

Cut the bunnies out using a hot wire foam cutter or, as we did in the video, with a scroll saw.

Each bunny will require two cutouts, which you can glue together with hot glue. For the most authentic look, bevel the edges of the top bunny so that it's slightly rounded.

giant easter peeps decorations - gluing the bunnies together

Paint the bunnies with acrylic paint. (Do not try to use spray paint, as it will disintegrate the foam.)

giant easter peeps decorations - paint the bunnies

Finally, use a brown permanent marker to draw on eyes and a nose.

giant easter peeps decorations - add eyes and nose

Step 4: Add the Peeps to the box

When the paint is dry, stick the Peeps into the window in the box, space them evenly, and secure with hot glue.

giant easter peeps decorations - add the bunnies to the box

Step 5: Wrap the box in plastic

For the final touch, and to make the piece look like an actual shrink-wrapped package of candy, wrap the entire box with a yard of thin vinyl sheeting "material", and secure on the back with tape.

giant easter peeps decorations - wrap the box in plastic

Decorate with your giant Easter Peeps!

Your giant Peeps are done and ready to add to your decorations!

giant easter peeps decorations

We created oversized Peeps boxes in yellow and pink, but you could make them in any color you like.

Giant Easter Peeps Decorations
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