Get Ultra-thin Paint Lines with Whiteboard Grid Tape

Have you ever wanted to add fine detail lines to a painting project, and struggled to find ultra-thin masking tape? Most masking tape is an inch or more wide, but what if you want super skinny, 1/8" lines? The answer comes from an unexpected place — the whiteboard section at your office supply store.
I was so inspired when I recently discovered that whiteboard grid tape is a thing. It comes in ultra slim 1/8" wide rolls in lots of different colors. It's designed for marking off grids on a whiteboard (brilliant!) but I found it super useful in crafting as well.
It's so easy to create fun stripes on a surface by just applying parallel strips of tape.
Add some perpendicular strips and you're almost to plaid!
This tape works best (with the least amount of seepage) on smooth surfaces like plastic or glass, since that's what it was designed to be applied to. It's a good idea to burnish the tape with a spoon or bone folder to be sure you've got good adhesion.
I had fun creating a crosshatch pattern on this frame, then I just painted right over it with different colors.
When the paint was dry, I just pulled off the tape to reveal my stripes.
I could never have created such a delicate pattern so easily with regular masking tape.
Besides making a great ultra-thin masking tape, you can even use whiteboard grid tape to add decorative stripes to a surface. And, of course, I'm going to be using it to mark off areas of my whiteboard, too!