Flea Market Find Nightstand Makeover

I had this little nightstand that had definitely seen better days. With its drawer front off and huge scratches everywhere, I wasn't sure I wanted to bother trying to save it. But my mom needed a nightstand for her guest room so I thought I would try bringing this one back to life.
Fixing the drawer was actually pretty easy. A little wood glue did the trick. I planned to replace the hardware, and figured the original holes would never match up, so I filled them in with some Minwax Wood Filler.
Next, it really needed a new paint job. When a piece has so many dings and scratches and isn't really valuable enough for a true sanding/refinish, I pull out my Chalky Finish paint. The thick formula hides all sorts of blemishes and it sticks to anything. I covered everything with a pretty shade of dark blue.
I wanted to add a little extra bling to the piece to match the gold handles I had in mind, and a bit of gold metallic paint was the perfect solution. I painted the base of the nightstand with a couple coats to get a good, smooth finish.
After installing the new hardware that I picked out from Hobby Lobby, this piece was ready to be placed in its new home. What a transformation!
I am glad I gave this piece a second chance!