Easy Marshmallow Icing Recipe

One of my favorite ways to ice cupcakes is with marshmallow icing. It's so simple to make and I always have the ingredients on hand. This "recipe" was my grandmother's favorite icing and hence, a family favorite now as well.
- 2 large egg whites at room temperature
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 tsp Cream of Tartar
Put the egg whites, salt, and Cream of Tartar into your mixing bowl. Beat at high speed until soft peaks form.
Add water and sugar to a pan and heat to dissolve sugar. Stir constantly!
Turn mixer to medium speed and slowly drip the sugar mixture down the side of the bowl. Continue to whisk until soft, fluffy peaks form.
When I ice these cupcakes, I like to slice the tops off and add some extra marshmallow icing there. I tend to like lots of icing and the marshmallow doesn't pile up like a buttercream does. And, I also think it looks cute!
I usually make this icing up the morning of the party because it tastes best when freshly made. Luckily, this isn't a problem since it is such a quick and simple recipe.
And one more tip...use an icing bag or pipe from a Ziploc where you cut the tip off. If you try to spread this icing, it will pick up all sorts of cake bits and look like a hot mess!

57 comments so far:
Wow! The first method is great for us - I love how easy it is! My daughter is allergic to dairy and eggs. What a great and fun alternative to the confectioner sugar glaze we normally do! She'll be excited. Thanks :-)
Another good one is to beat marshmallow fluff with powdered (confectioner's) sugar til you get a stiff dough...add a bit of paste food coloring and you have an inexpensive (and much better tasting) fondant. You can roll it out, cut it into shapes with cookie cutters, shape it like play dough or decorate them with sprinkles, then lay on top of the cupcakes. Store in an airtight container til youare ready to eat them...and you can do them the night before. My kids' teachers have loved these because the "frosting" doesnt make a mess in the classroom!
Teresa, I will have to try this technique, it sounds yummy and fun!
I tried the marshmallow on top of cupcakes both little ones (cut marshmallow in half) and the regular size ones and the little ones were great(i did not mash them down) but the regular size ones when i tried to mash down the marshmallow stuck on the spoon .....
But this marshmallow icing saved me cuz i thought that i had the stuff to make butter icing .... but i did not,so thank you so much
The #1 marshmallow icing recipe is so easy and awesome! The second recipe it is a very basic Meringue recipe, the rule of thumb is 2 tablespoons of sugar per egg white (i.e, 2 egg white = 4 tb of sugar).
Hope it helps!
Thanks for the tip!
I don't know if it's just me or not, but I tried the first version and I swear there was more of it on me than on the cupcakes. It kept sticking to the spoon and then I would try to get it off and it would stick to my fingers more. Any tips?
Sari, so sorry you had troubles! Try coating the back of your spoon with a little powdered sugar so it isn't so sticky. If it is still sticky, try corn starch on the back of the spoon. Maybe your marshmallows were extra sticky from the intense summer humidity right now? Let me know if these tips work for you.
Thanks! That probably was the problem. I live in Arizona and actually the marshmallows should probably be kept in the fridge (which they weren't). They do taste good even thought they are not the prettiest of cupcakes. :-)
do you think teresa's icing will make points? I dont want smooth icing, i want pointy ones.
i am going to try annyway.
Karen, the recipe Teresa shared with us was for fondant, not icing, so I'm not sure if it will work for what you want. Let us know how it comes out.
I tried the #1 marshmallow icing method.But when I tried to press it down,the marshmallow kept on sliding.Any advice?
i'm not good at cooking. Can i use the microwave for the first recipe? thanks!
Gena, I suppose the microwave would work but I have never tried it.
Do you think a very light brush of butter on the back of the spoon before pressing on the 1st recipe will ruin it? I'm thinking of giving this a try, but don't want to be covered in marshmallow, which tends to happen anyway.
Lanie, I don't think it would ruin it. Let us know how it works!
I used the first recipe both in the oven and in the microwave. In the oven, rather than using butter on a spoon, I used a silicon spatula, and it worked out great. In the microwave, I had more trouble with the marshmallow rolling off my cupcakes. By the time I could keep them pressed, the marshmallow had melted too much and was sticking to the spatula. I'll use the oven method again...often. Thanks!
what an awesome site you have. i will have to try the recipe for cupcakes. you can check out my blog i just got started. here i have a recipe for cranberry cookies. thanks again
hi!may i ask, what kind of sugar to be used when making icing?thanks!
Andrea, I used regular white cane sugar.
Thank you so much! I knew there must be some way to make frosting out of the package of marshmallows I had, but it did not occur to me to just melt them on top! Brilliant idea, and so simple! Genius award!
This is amazing! I used half a marshmallow per vanilla cupcake and it tasted great. The only problem was when I turned it on broil, probably because it was too close to the heat, the marshmallows bubbled in less than 3 seconds. Next time I won't toast them, as they look so cute and fluffy.
I will try this today.
Have you tried to make smore's in a microwave.
I use a plain round cookie, spread it with a chocolate hazelnut spread, and top with a half a marshmallow.
Then I microwave them for 15-20 seconds, this is long enough for the marshmallows to begin melting but not too long to soften the cookie. At this point you can either top it off with another cookie or eat the way it is.
I have made smores in the microwave before, Joni. They're not as good as over the fire, of course, but sometimes you need a quick snack and that does the trick!
the first method, with all the tips sounds great. Question... What about on a cake instead of cupcakes? Will it still work out?
I don't see why not, Ari!
i have used everyones tips about the mashmallow sticking to the spoon when pushing down flat.. it STILL sticks! :(
Timmy, maybe try coating the spoon with a light spray of Pam or some other cooking spray?
wow this really worked i did without the boiler it is more easier in cupcakes but they are delicious
i will try this one day they both sound so yummy and i know a lot of people who would love to try them to!!!
I made the icing to top my peanut butter chiffon cupcakes ... "Fluffernutter cupcakes". So easy to make and so tasty!
I have made #2 twice now. I cannot believe how easy it is and how delicious it tastes!!!
So glad to hear it, Zita! Isn't it great when something is easy AND tasty? :)
In regards to the marshmallow melted on top of the cupcake method, can anyone tell me if I make the cupcakes the day before, are they as good the next day? Having a childs b/day party & want to prepare the cupcakes the night before & possibly store them in the fridge. Any advice is appreciated.
hi, i would like to know how much simmering water i would use?
Nadine, the simmering water is in the bottom of your double boiler, so it really doesn't matter how much you use, as long as there's room for it! Just be sure not to use too much or it'll boil over.
oh, thank you.
I'm having the same question as Tina, will the marshmallow icing still be good to eat if I aldready baked the cupcakes the a day earlier?
For how many days it will stay yummy?
Will it become sponge-like again like the original marhmallows?Yup, I'm talking about the melted marshmallow toppinh, the one mention first in your post :)
Tina and Cindy, we've never had the cupcakes last long enough to know how well they keep. They're usually gone within hours of being made!
Cindy, you could probably still toast the marshmallow on top of the baked cupcakes without harming the cupcake. I think that would work!
If I used mini marshmallows instead of the regular size one, how many would you put and would i have to adjust the baking time?
lk, I think you might have a hard time getting mini marshmallows to stay on the cupcakes, but if you try it out, let us know.
Oh please tell me cupcakes made the day before, I can use marshmellow melted on them.
Patty, we haven't tried putting the marshmallows back on cooled cupcakes and putting them back into the oven, but it seems like it would work fine. If you try it, please let us know!
With method #2, when whisking the mix over the double boiler do you use a hand whisk or an electric whisk??
Gill, the step over the double boiler is done with a hand whisk.
Loved recipe #2!! Very easy and looked and tasted great. I warmed it up in the microwave on 40% power, even with the vanilla and worked fine.
I am trying to use the 2nd method. I boiled it and then put it in another bowl to start beating however it will not fluff up. It just stays a liquid. What have I done wrong?
Try adding some Cream of Tartar to it.
I tried the 1st method & I was amazed how easy to do it!! I dont like too much sweet on my marshmallow frosting & it's perfect for me tnxs for the tips! : )
I have used #2 several times. It is a great and simple recipe. The only thing I have found is adding about 1/4 C of Karo syrup makes it a little fluffier and sweeter. I add it after I start using the hand mixer. It is perfect.
Love frosting #2. I have been looking for this recipe for eons! It is delish. I used it to frost a Key Lime Cake. It called for a c ream cheese icing and this paired up soooooo much better. Can you add a liquor or chocolate to it? If so when would you add it?
wow, what a fantastic icing recipe. I tried both and perfered the marshmallow on top one.
Wow! So easy! Used recipe 1 to top a cake. Worked great.
hi, i tried #2 but doesnt want to fluff or stiffen. i tried doing it with the mixture warm and cooling it down. please help, im loving this recipe
Absolutely wonderful!