Easy DIY Christmas Tree Collar

I wanted to add a tree collar to my Christmas tree this year, and in particular wanted it to be a straight-sided, non-tapered collar. I wanted it to be modern and easy to make quickly. After some brainstorming, I came up with a super quick and easy DIY tree collar solution.
The key to making this tree collar quick and easy is starting with a hula hoop! I found a medium-sized hula hoop that was the perfect diameter to fit my tree. For the sides of the collar, I used some leftover laminate sheeting from my junk pile, because it was really sturdy and flexible enough to bend into a curve easily.
If you can't get your hands on laminate sheeting, you could also use roof flashing or any material you can find that's thin, sturdy, and flexible.
I used my table saw to cut the laminate down into 9" wide strips, which is the height I wanted the collar to be for my tree. Then I used hot glue and clamps to glue two ends together into one long strip.
I set the hula hoop on the floor and wrapped the long strip around it, pulling it snug.
I used another clamp to hold it in place temporarily, and made sure it was even, straight, and tight around the hoop.
More hot glue to seal up the ends, and I had a perfectly round collar, thanks to that hula hoop base. I didn't need to glue the hula hoop in place, because the tension from the tight collar holds it just fine. Plus, this way I can remove the hoop later if I need to for easier storage (or for an impromptu hula hoop contest).
As an extra measure of security, just to be sure I didn't end up with a burst collar on Christmas morning, I added strips of duct tape over all the laminate edges.
That took, what, 10 minutes? And now I've got a perfect tree collar base, ready for some fun decoration.
You can decorate this plain tree collar with fabric, paint, paper, or just about anything you like to match your Christmas decor.
I added hand-painted peel-and-stick tiles to mine, to create a mosaic design that was perfect for the Portuguese tile themed Christmas tree that I created for my mom. It was so much more interesting than a tree skirt and really added a punch of color to the base of the tree.

One comment so far:
Really cool idea...I wanted a metal collar but since I can't get my hands on any metal ,I'm going to try postar board.Like glueing 4 sheets of poster board together flat,then add a hula hoop to the top àt the opening.Either use cizal roap or something else to try and make it look like a basket weave or just glue the rope around the collar in a straight pattern.
Thank You for the cool idea!!!