DIY Faux Marble Pedestals

I've been looking for some marble pedestals in different heights and I haven't been able to find exactly what I wanted at a reasonable price. So of course, I decided to make my own! These DIY faux marble pedestals are inexpensive and easy to make and look perfect in my decor.
First, get some smooth foam discs in the sizes you want. These will serve as the tops of the pedestals. This one happens to be 6 inches. Trace the disc onto the back of some marble contact paper and cut it the circle to fit.
Cut strips of the contact paper to go around the sides of the disc.
Now to elevate the disc, we need to make the base of the pedestal. I wanted a modern, cone-like shape, so I used cardboard cones that I had left over from another project. I marked the cone at the height I wanted the base to be.
Then I used a craft knife to cut the cone at that mark. To make it easier to keep straight, I put a rubber band around the cone to use as a guide. A little tape made sure it didn't shift while I was cutting.
See? A nice clean edge. I made sure to save the top of the cones, because I can definitely use them for something else (like these).
The next step is to wrap the cone in contact paper. Wrapping a cone requires a little bit of trial and error, and I always make a pattern on regular paper first, so I don't mess up any of my good contact paper. I usually roll the cone along a sheet of paper and trace a line along the top and then the bottom as I go. (Tip: Make the pattern a little longer than the cone... you'll see why in a minute)
Trace the pattern onto the back of a piece of contact paper and cut it out.
Then just roll the paper around the cone, letting any excess hang off the bottom edge.
To get a clean edge along the bottom, make small snips in the excess contact paper about an inch apart.
Fold the snipped edges onto the inside of the cone. You might have to use a little bit of tape to make sure they stick.
Use scissors to trim off any excess paper at the top of the cone.
To assemble the pedestal, just use hot glue to affix the disc to the top of the cone.
Don't these look like high-end, modern marble pedestals you would get at a fancy museum store or boutique?