DIY Colored Glass from Dollar Store Containers

My local dollar store always has lots of cute, lidded containers made of clear glass or plastic. I love the look of colored glass, so I decided to try a simple faux colored glass technique to transform these clear containers into something bright and cheerful for my Spring decor. Adding a colored glass look is easy with a clever trick using food coloring.
The supplies for creating a faux colored glass look are simple. You need some Decou-Page decoupage medium, water, liquid food coloring, and something to stir with.
The first step is to thin the Decou-Page with a small amount of water, to make it flow more easily.
Then add some liquid food coloring to tint it. It is SUPER IMPORTANT to remember here is that the white decoupage medium will make your colors look pastel, but when the glue dries and turns clear, the bold color of the original food coloring will show through. Have faith — the true color is going to be like the food coloring lid when it's all dried.
When the color is mixed in, it's ready to coat the container. Start by pouring some of the glue into the lid and swirl it around to coat all the sides. Then pour the excess into the base of the container and do the same, until everything is coated.
Note that I chose to coat the inside of the containers so that the clear sparkle of the plastic would shine as brightly as possible. However, it makes the container not food safe, so if you want to store food or candy inside it, you may opt to coat the outside of the container instead. It will give you very similar results, but with a slightly duller shine because of the coating from the glue.
Let the containers sit upside down on a rack to drip dry.
You will be amazed when they dry, and that milk white glue turns clear. Just look at those gorgeous jewel-toned colors! What a fun and easy way to create faux colored glass.
And if you ever want to change up the colors or just make the containers clear again, the Decou-Page is removable. Just soak the pieces in water until the glue is softened, then scrub it off.