Disney Pin Trading Countdown Board

McGeeky and I are taking the girls to Disney World in a few weeks, and I am not sure who is more excited, me or the girls. All I know is that we are ready for some fun in the sun to escape this awful winter we are having. Yay, house of mouse!
One of Little Jo's favorite things to do whenever we visit Disney World is (#ad) pin trading. Mini Me is just getting to the age where she thinks the Disney pins are really neat looking and is anxious to do some trading of her own. I even get into it, trading a pin here or there for my favorite Disney characters. Even McGeeky joins in and has collected his two favorites -- Statler and Waldorf.
After one of our past trips to Disney, I made Little Jo a simple Disney pin trading display board. Her collection has grown a lot since then, though, and Chica made her a new one (she'll be sharing details soon). But for now I want to focus on the anticipation of our upcoming trip. I thought it would be neat to have something fun for the girls to do each day before the trip, so I made them a Disney vacation countdown calendar with a Disney trading pin for each day!
I started with 12 tiny round paper mache boxes to store the daily prizes. I used black cardstock to make Mickey Mouse head shapes that were the same size as the box lids, so that they would have ears. I laid them all out on a piece of red foam core board to figure out my spacing and placement.
When I knew how big the board needed to be, I cut it to size. The cut left a really rough edge, so I used black duct tape to smooth it out. I ended up really liking the black touch around the edges.
Next, I painted all of the boxes black. I saved time and skipped painting the tops of the lids because they would be covered in the next step.
When the paint was dry, I added the Mickey cut outs to the lids with the help of my trusty Xyron sticker machine.
Chica used her Silhouette CAMEO to create the numbers and words for me to add to the sign. I used my Xyron again to add them to the boxes and board. If you have a Silhouette, then here's our Countdown to Disney .studio file for you to use!
I tucked two pins into each box, so that each of the girls would have one each day. I purchased a Disney Princess Pin Trading Starter Set for Mini Me, since she is so young and new to collecting. If your little one isn't into princesses, the Mickey Mouse Disney Pin Trading Starter Set is also a great option.
We are all set for some countdown fun at home and some Disney pin trading at Disney World!
This was such a fun project, and easy to customize. If you have more than two kids, you can use bigger boxes so you'll have more room. You can also add more boxes if you want to count down more days.

One comment so far:
Love, love, love this idea - it's darling! (By the way, do y'all need anyone to carry your luggage, fill your glasses with tea/soda, etc.???!!! I'm available to help during your trip if needed!!!)
Hope you all have a fantabulous trip - Disney is one of my most favoritist places on the earth!