Crafting with Vintage Halloween Clip Art

Vintage or retro Halloween decorations are my favorite! At a recent estate sale I found a bunch of vintage, plastic cake decorations that I just had to have because of the kitschy imagery. Rather than use them on cakes, I decided to display the images by placing them in a simple shadow box, ready to put into my retro Halloween decor.
Want to make your own retro Halloween invitations, cards, or decorations? I scanned in all the plastic pieces and created digital clip art images to share with you. Simply download our ZIP file containing high-res scans of all seven vintage Halloween decor images to get started. From there you can print them to cut out and use for crafting, or use them digitally to create cards and decor.
When you share your retro Halloween decor creatins on social media, be sure to tag us @chicaandjo so we can see what you made!