Geeky Tissue Box with Computer Keyboard Keys

Little Jo wanted to make a geek-inspired gift for her daddy for Father's Day, and she and I were inspired to create something with the computer keyboard keys. We decided to create a computer-themed tissue box cover, and label it with words that we could spell out with the keys. What a fun nerd gift idea!
We started with a plain, wooden tissue box which Little Jo painted with glossy black paint to give it a nice basecoat.
Then we used decoupage medium to cover the box with printouts of computer punch cards patterns that I found online. I knew right away he would love this vintage computer theme!
While that dried, we raided McGeeky's stash of old keyboards. He has so many in his that I knew I could take ten times as many and he wouldn't miss a thing!
Little Jo decided on two fun tissue messages and we picked off the letters we needed to spell them out. We used a hot glue gun to attach the keys to spell out "BLESS YOU" on one side of the box.
And on the other side, we spelled out "ACHOO". So cute!

6 comments so far:
This is SO FANTASTIC! I need one!
Awesome craft! For those who don't have a supply of old keyboards in the closet, check out thrift stores such as Goodwill. My local store always has a huge selection of old computer equipment, as well as gaming systems (you could make a Nintendo tissue box!)
That's a great idea, Sandi! I bet eBay would be a good source, too.
Hilarious! My husband is in IT- this is on my "Stuff I'd Like to Make list right now!
I just finished making one for my (computer professional) husband for Christmas. My so-clever son suggested I spell out "anti virus hardware" on it! (Tee hee!) Thanks again for all the great ideas!
Pam, I love that! Give your son a high-five for me :)