Make an Amazing Race Clue Box

A lot of you guys have been asking us for a clue box to go along with our Amazing Race party theme. You ask, we listen!
It turns out this is a super easy project. All you need is a black wall-mount mailbox and the flag template that's part of our Amazing Race printables collection.
Just print the flag, cut it out, and attach to the front of the box with some double-sided tape. I chose to laminate the flag before taping it to the box to make it extra durable, but that step is optional. I wish we had made these boxes when we did our Amazing Race party last year, but we'll definitely use them next time! Imagine just how much more awesome it will be for your racers to pull their clues out of this box.
If you're hosting a race and are able to be at each stop where the racers got the next clue, you can re-use one box for each leg and just keep moving it. Or, if you want to be more like the show, you can make a few boxes to leave at various points within the leg, for racers to get their clues. You could also mount the box to a pole so it can stand higher, but I would only do this if you weren't going to move it around a lot and if you were sure all of your stops had room to put the pole. Happy racing!
Visit our whole collection of The Amazing Race party ideas to make your event as authentic as you can.
- Amazing Race digital printables - A complete set of digital files including clue cards, envelopes, signs, and more
- Amazing Race party - Lots of party ideas and tips.
- Amazing Race party for kids - Sample clues for a quick and easy outdoor race geared for kids
- Amazing Race tear-strip envelopes - Start each leg off right with that authentic rip!
- Make an Amazing Race Pit Stop mat and fanny packs - Learn how to customize packs for race gear and paint a mat for racers to jump on when they check in.
To make your final pit stop more authentic, why not decorate it with a Travelocity Gnome and some international flags? You might also want to hand out Amazing Race T-shirts to the winners!

2 comments so far:
Hi, I'm a huge fan of The Amazing Race, and I would like to create a clue box just like the one on the show. Can you provide me with the exact measurements used on the show? This information is really important to me. Thank you!
Dror, we do not know the exact measurements of the box used on the show, and I doubt they are always the same size from season to season.