DIY Valentine's Day Heart Wreath with Pipe Cleaners

I wanted to create a simple Valentine's Day wreath for my door, and went scouring my local dollar store for inspiration. I found just what I was looking for with a heart-shaped wire wreath frame, which I knew would be a great starting point.
The wreath frame started out green, which isn't what I wanted, so the first thing I did was spray paint it with a can of Rust-Oleum Metallic Silver.
I found a mixed bag of pipe cleaners at Hobby Lobby that included some sparkly pink and silver metallic colors that I really liked. I bought three bags to make sure I had enough of the metallic ones to fill the wreath, and vowed to save the other colors for another project one day.
I cut the pipe cleaners in half and twisted them onto the form. I started with the silver ones, adding them to the inside-most ring, bending them this way and that.
On the middle ring, I added the lighter pink pipe cleaners, twisting them again.
I put the darkest pink on the outside, resulting in an ombré effect. I didn't worry about trying to get complete coverage on the frame. I actually liked having the silver frame peek through.
I love how fun and bright it is. It's the perfect size to hang on the hall tree next to our front door and it cost me less than $10 to make.
This was a super simple craft and I had my girls help me with it. We had a lot of fun, even if our were stained slightly pink by the time we were finished!

3 comments so far:
Meus parabéns! Muito bom todas ideias! Eu também gostaria uma amiga para juntas trocar ideias.
Um grande abraço para vocês, e desejo muito sucesso!
Diana, obrigado!
A quite cute wreath. Love it !