How to Quickly Save Crystallized Honey

It seems that honey always has a secret moment when it will turn on you. It can be sitting in your pantry for weeks or months, and then one day you reach for it and find that the honey has all crystallized into a lumpy mess.
Of course you only discover that your honey is crystallized when you actually NEED it, so it's always frustrating timing. What do you do when you're about to eat a bowl of my homemade Greek yogurt with granola and honey if I don't have any honey?
Don't worry, I've got an instant fix for saving crystallized honey! It's easy, too. Just dump it into a saucepan and heat it on very low heat until it's all melted and clear again.
It really is that easy! Crystallized honey is still perfectly safe to eat. It just fell victim to a common reaction that eventually occurs with honey, and has changed form. By heating it gently, you force the crystals to melt and it returns back to its liquid state.
When it's all clear and the chunks are melted, just pour it into a new, clear jar and it's ready to use or store for next time.

13 comments so far:
Just a quick question, is the honey safe to save once it's been heated on the stove? I'll have to give this idea a try since my bottle of honey looks like it has mutated!!
Hello HFamily! I'm no food expert, but the honey I heated over the stove lasted without any problem for several weeks in my pantry until I had used it all up. It did not re-crystallize and I didn't notice any bad taste or appearance. Just make sure you use very LOW heat so you don't damage the honey :)
Thank you :oD great idea. I usually use the "put it in hot water" method, but you're right, it takes HOURS and by the time it's ready I'm not in the mood for it anymore :o\ Gotta try this next time.
GioDrakes, I'm all about fast fixes!
I have always microwaved my crystallized honey. Works very fast.
Thanks for the tip, Ilene. I've thought about doing that before but was afraid to overheat it. Sounds like it works well though!
I have read that if you microwave honey, you will kill the natural enzymes and eliminate any of the nutritional benefits of honey. This is the same as what happens when you overcook or boil the honey. I'd stick with this low-heat method.
Worked for me! Thanks for the tip! :)
I have also used this technique with success, when the honey hasn't completely crystallized. If you have honey in a glass jar, you can submerge it into a pot with hot water. After about 10-15 minutes, take the jar out and stir it up. You should start to notice a more gooey consistency like non-crystallized honey. Replace with hotter water as it cools. It shouldn't take more than 30-45 minutes before the crystals are almost completely gone. I would not microwave the honey, as another reader pointed out. Doing so can affect the nutritional benefits of the honey.
One other technique I learned from another website is that if you buy honey in a very large container that ends up crystallizing before you're done with it, do the following: Pour out a portion of the honey into a plastic container and put in the freezer. Because of the very low moisture content of the honey, it will not solidify. It will of course become stiff and taffy-like. When you're ready to use it, take it out of the freezer the day before you need it and place it on your kitchen counter. It should warm up sufficiently by the next day.
I've salvaged crystallized honey using all of the mentioned methods except the mircowave. For sanitary reasons, I like to keep the honey in its original container if at all possible(*). For me, the best method is the VERY slow simmering water jacket, but please loosen or remove the cap. My half gallon is ~4 years old and but half used. Since darn few things (bad bugs) will grow in a substance as sweet as honey, I have littel concern here. I also use honey in very small amounts, usually as a substitute for sugar when baking (Sugar:Honey, 1:.75 is a good place to start)so everything is thorough cooked anyway. I've thought about adding a little water once the honey is warm and flowing again, but I've never deon it and I don't think it is necessary. Happy baking to all. -C.
Has anyone ever tasted crystalized honey?
It's delicious!!! I shopped for crystalized honey today it's my fav!!!
I am melting mine by boiling water then took it off the stove and emerged in the hot water. It is working quite well!
Works like a charm. Just heat up the honey (very slowly on low) and you'll get it back to being gelatinous and delightful.